In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen .

In God's Love

person walking a wide path in the woods. The trees have green leaves but there are fallen orange and brown leaves on the path.  There is light ahead on the path but you can still the the woods. The is a long shadow from the person.

What does

In God's Love

say about Heaven?

"You will be like a woman who has gone through the pain of bringing forth a child. You will hold your baby and not remember the suffering of childbirth. You will welcome the Spirit as you welcomed your child. You will be filled with happiness. You will be a zillion times happier than when you held your baby for the first time" (470: 10-17).

"Mom and dad are at the gate to welcome you home. They throw their arms around you and hug you and kiss you with great tears of joy streaming down their faces. All the relatives greet you and are so grateful that you got home safe. Then you see your little brother and your little sister. They are so beautiful. They take your in and show you the great feast prepared in your honor. This is you. You are so young and beautiful. You are so full of energy and life. What happened to the old body? . . . You could not remember where you had been. Where you had been an old senior citizen didn't matter. You wonder, "Where did the words "old people" come from? It doesn't matter. This day, as the sun rises in the horizon, a free person walks this road" (502: 14-27, 46-52). Read the whole Passage 

"Very refreshing is the smell of roses and the song of birds to those who have been in prison for such a long while. God is freedom" (126: 24-27).

"That will be the day of rejoicing. All pain will be gone. All thought of death will be over, and disease will be no more. So sweet will God's Spirit be. He will bathe His children in His glory. Those who are coming to the feast, sign your name . . . Blessed day, when you come to the feast clothed in God's love" (440: 5-10, 30).

"Blessings are upon those who are in God's Spirit, those who have loved God with all of their heart, soul and mind and loved each other . . . These are the saints who will see God and live with Him in His place He has prepared for them. When the children of Earth see God, they will never desire anything else again . . . The Spirit of God will fill each soul with such peace and joy as people of Earth have never experienced before" ( 514: 1-4, 6-9, 18-19).

"This is inscribed: 'People of Earth are weak. Such beauty, people of Earth could not withstand until God prepares the eyes of the body and spirit for the King's loveliness'" (88: 49-53).

"Here is the place of ecstasy. Your well-being is cared for so well" (425: 5-6).

"When you come to His Kingdom, you will never stop finding adventure" (433:29-30). Read the whole Passage 

"These people who are in Heaven are real people with likes and dislikes and personalities. They sing and dance and laugh and cry. They make decisions and mistakes, but no one sins or disobeys God, for they have seen Him for who He is" (475: 40-45).

"His Spirit never lets His children become bored or idle for entertainment. This is a delightful Spirit you have accepted. This Spirit understands all of your desires and dreams" (525: 31-34).

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